Does Generation X Intend to Use E-Wallet in Daily Transactions
This study examines what variable that affects the intention to use e-wallet: GO-PAY and OVO on generation X. This research method uses the UTAUT method (Unified Theory of Accept and Use of Technology) and the method that will be used to analyze the data is multiple linear regression. The number of samples obtained in this study was 139 samples from generation X who lived in 5 big cities in Indonesia. The results of the research on the X generation sample showed that the intention to use GO-PAY and OVO was determined by the effort expectancy, social influences, and overall variables.
When the objects compared, OVO is superior to GO-PAY related based on the coefficient determination test that OVO has stronger independent variables to explain the dependent variable.
This study examines what variable that affects the intention to use e-wallet: GO-PAY and OVO on generation X. This research method uses the UTAUT method (Unified Theory of Accept and Use of Technology) and the method that will be used to analyze the data is multiple linear regression. The number of samples obtained in this study was 139 samples from generation X who lived in 5 big cities in Indonesia. The results of the research on the X generation sample showed that the intention to use GO-PAY and OVO was determined by the effort expectancy, social influences, and overall variables.
When the objects compared, OVO is superior to GO-PAY related based on the coefficient determination test that OVO has stronger independent variables to explain the dependent variable.


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