Biological and Chemical Systems for Nutrient Removal - A Special Publication (Water Environment Federation Special Publication)

This publication discusses the method of utilizing a combination of biological and chemical processes to remove nitrogen and phosphorus in wastewater. Chapter topics include: overview of nutrient removal processes, chemical phosphorus removal, principles of biological nitrogen removal, principles of biological phosphorus removal, nitrification design, design of biological phosphorus removal processes, structured process models for biological nutrient control, nutrient removal by aquatic systems, testing and evaluation of full-scale nutrient removal facilities and costs for nutrient removal.

This publication discusses the method of utilizing a combination of biological and chemical processes to remove nitrogen and phosphorus in wastewater. Chapter topics include: overview of nutrient removal processes, chemical phosphorus removal, principles of biological nitrogen removal, principles of biological phosphorus removal, nitrification design, design of biological phosphorus removal processes, structured process models for biological nutrient control, nutrient removal by aquatic systems, testing and evaluation of full-scale nutrient removal facilities and costs for nutrient removal.


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