EBOOK - Textbook of Engineering Drawing - K.Venkata Reddy

EBOOK - Sách giáo khoa Vẽ kỹ thuật - K.Venkata Reddy

Chapter 1: Drawing instruments and Accessories

Chapter 2: Lettering and Dimentioning Practices
Chapter 3: Scales

Chapter 4: Geometrical Constructions

Chapter 5: Orthographic Projections

Chapter 6: Projecttion of Solids

Chapter 7: Development of Sufaces

Chapter 8: Intersection of Sufaces

Chapter 9: Isometric Prejection

Chapter 10: Oblique and Persepctive Prejections

Chapter 11: Conversion of Isometric Views to Orthographic Views and Vice Versa

Chapter 12: Sectins of Solids

Chapter 13: freehand Sketching

Chapter 14: Computer Aided Design and Drawing (CADD)

EBOOK - Sách giáo khoa Vẽ kỹ thuật - K.Venkata Reddy

Chapter 1: Drawing instruments and Accessories

Chapter 2: Lettering and Dimentioning Practices
Chapter 3: Scales

Chapter 4: Geometrical Constructions

Chapter 5: Orthographic Projections

Chapter 6: Projecttion of Solids

Chapter 7: Development of Sufaces

Chapter 8: Intersection of Sufaces

Chapter 9: Isometric Prejection

Chapter 10: Oblique and Persepctive Prejections

Chapter 11: Conversion of Isometric Views to Orthographic Views and Vice Versa

Chapter 12: Sectins of Solids

Chapter 13: freehand Sketching

Chapter 14: Computer Aided Design and Drawing (CADD)


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