Tổng hợp các từ viết tắt tiếng anh trong mạch điện - điện tử

Trong quá trình học tập sửa chữa mạch điện tử chắc hẳn đã có lần bạn thắc mắc về những ký hiệu điện tử mang ý nghĩa gì đúng không. Thậm chí với nhiều người sau nhiều năm dù đã quen mặt với ký hiệu nhưng không biết ký hiệu ấy thể hiện cho điều gì, xuất phát từ từ tiếng anh gì. Trong bài viết này, Ebookbkmt sẽ giúp các bạn tổng hợp lại những từ viết tắt trong sơ đồ mạch điện và ký hiệu trong ngành điện tử mà bạn nên biết (Các bạn sử dụng tổ hợp phí Ctrl + F để dễ dàng tìm kiếm)

Các từ ngữ viết tắt thường gặp trong sơ đồ mạch điện

FM _ Frequency Modulation : Điều chế tần số.

AC _ Alterating Current : Dòng điện xoay chiều.

DC _ Direct Current : Dòng điện một chiều.

FCO _ Fuse Cut Out : Cầu chì tự rơi

LBFOC _ Load Breaker Fuse Cut Out : Cầu chì tự rơi có cắt tải

CB _ Circuit Breaker : Máy cắt.

ACB _ Air Circuit Breaker : Máy cắt không khí

MCCB _ Moduled Case Circuit Breaker : Aptomat kiểu khối có dòng cắt > 100A

MCB _ Miniature Circuit Breaker : Bộ ngắt mạch thu nhỏ

VCB _ Vacuum Circuit Breaker : Máy cắt chân không.

RCD _ Residual Current Device : Thiết bị chống rò rỉ điện

DF : Distortion Factor : hệ số méo dạng

THD : Total Harmonic Distortion : Độ méo dạng tổng do sóng hài

Ngoài ra còn 1 số ký hiệu là viết tắt bởi các từ tiếng anh, nếu bạn gặp phải thì có thể sử dụng google dịch để tra nghĩa cụ thể hơn:

Ký hiệu điện tử viết tắt bằng tiếng anh

VBAT. - Volt Battery

VCHG. - Volt Charging

VPH-PWR. - Volt Phone Power

UIM. - Sim

HSED. - Head Phone Switch

MIC. - Microphone

HPH L/R. -  Head Phone Speaker Left/Right

BT. - Bluetooth

VIB. - Vibrator

GPIO. - Gereral Purpose Input Output

MIPI. - Mobile Industory Processor Interface

DSI. - Display Serial Interface

CSI. - Camera Serial Interface

EARP/EARN. - Earpiece

CAM/VCM. - Camera / Video Camera

MCAM. - Main Camera

SCAM. - Slave Camera

TP. - Touch/Test Point

TF. - Sd card

VPROC. - Processor Voltage

VCORE. -Chip Digiral Core Voltage

ROM. - Read Only Memory

RAM. - Random Only Memory

SRAM. - Static Random Access Memory

SDRAM. - Synchronus Dynamic Random Access Memory

VREG. - Regularor Voltage

VREGS. - Switching Regulator Voltage

VREGL. - Linear Regulater Voltage

LDO. - Low Dropout

DAC. - Digital To Analog Converter

ADC. - Analog To Digital Converter

SMSP. - Switch Mode Power Supply

HS. - Ear Speaker

USB. - Universal Service Bus

DP. - Data Plus (+)

DM. - Data Minus (-)

SIM. - Subscriber Identy Module

NFC. - Near Field Communication

RTC. - Real Time Clock

COMP. - Complement

CTRL. - Control

EN. - Enable

PWM. - Pulse Width Modulation

CABC. - Content Adaptive Backlight Control

CSI. - Camera Serial Interface

DSI. - Display Serial Interface

MIPI. - Mobile Industry Processor Interface

CMOS. - Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor

BSI. - Battery Status Indicator

PCB. - Printed Circuit Board

ESD. - Electrostatic Discharge

EMI. - Electromagnetic Demodulation

SAW. - Surface Acoustic Wave

BB. - Baseband

ANT. - Antenna

RX. - Receive

AC. - Alternative Current

DC. - Direct Current

C. - Capacitor

R. - Resistor

D. - Diode

ZD. - Zener Diode

LDR. - Light Dependent Resistor

LED. - Light Emitting Diode

OLED. - Organic Light Emitting Diode

AMOLED. - Active Matrix Organic Light Emitting Diode

L. - Coil

LB. - Ferrite Bead Coil

Q. - Transistor

SOT. - Small Outline Transistor

FET. - Field Effect Transistor

MOSFET. - Metal Oxite Semiconductor field Effect Transistor

BJT. - Bipolar Junction Transistor

UJT. - Unipolar Junction Transistor

VCDT. - Volt Charging Detect

CHRLDO. - Charging Linear Power Supply

ISENSE. - Charging Current Detection Input

INT. - Interrupt

GND. - Ground

NC. - Not Connect

TCXO. - Temperature Compensated Osillator

SDA. - Serial Data

SCL. - Serial Clock

RST. - Reset

SDIO. - Serial Data Input / Output

WIFI. - Wireless Fidelity

WLAN. - Wireless Local Area Network

DDR. - Double Data Rate

LPDDR. - Low Power Double Rate

IC. - Integrated Cicuit

EMMC. - Embedded Multimeda Card

PMU. - Power Management Unit

NTC. - negative temperature coefficient

Bảng ký hiệu theo thứ tự ABC...


A/D – Analog to Digital

AALC – Air Assisted Liquid Cooling

AAS – Advanced or Active Antenna System

AC – Alternating Current

AC/DC – Alternating Current to Direct Current (converter / power supply)

ACK – Acknowledgement

ACP – Average CPU Power

ACS – Active Current Sharing or American Chemical Society

ADC – Analog to Digital Converter

ADM – Add/Drop Multiplexer

ADSL – Asymmetrical Digital Subscriber Line

AFU – Antenna Filter Unit

AGC – Automatic Gain Control

AGI – Artificial General Intelligence

AGV – Automated Guided Vehicle

AI – Artificial Intelligence

AISG – Antenna Interface Standards Group

AMC – Advanced Mezzanine Card

AMH – Automated Material Handling

AMP – Architects of Modern Power or Amplifier

AMR – Autonomous Mobile Robot

ANSI – American National Standards Institute

AOI – Automated Optical Inspection

AON – Active Optical Network

AP – Access Point

API – Application Programming Interface

APM – Advanced Power Management

APQT – Advanced Product Quality Planning

APT – Average Power Tracking

APU – Accelerated Processing Unit

AR – Augmented Reality

AS – Access Server

ART – Adaptive Ramp Time

ASCR – A Single Cycle Response (digital compensator)

ASIC – Application Specific Integrated Circuit

ASIL – Automotive Safety Integrity Level

ASM – Advanced Sleep Mode

ASRS – Automated Storage and Retrieval Systems

ASSP – Application Specific Standard Product

ATCA – Advanced Telecommunications Computing Architecture

ATE – Automated Test Equipment

ATM – Asynchronous Transfer Mode

AVA – Analog Voltage Adjust

AVL – Approved Vendor List

AVS – Adaptive Voltage Scaling

AVSBus – Adaptive Voltage Scaling Bus

AWG – American Wire Gauge

AWS – Amazon Web Services


BBU – Baseband Unit or Battery Backup Unit

BEM – Boundary Element Method

BER – Bit Error Rate

BFN – Beam Forming Network

BGA – Ball Grid Array / solder Bump Grid Array

BJT – Bipolar Junction Transistor

BMC – Baseboard Management Controller

BMP – Board Mounted Power

BMPS – Board Mounted Power Supply

BMR – Board Mounted Regulator

BMS – Battery Management System

BoM – Bill of Materials

BSC – Base Station Controller

BSI – British Standards Institute

BSS – Base Station System

BTS – Base Transceiver Station

BW – Bandwidth


CA – Controller Assembly

CAD – Computer Aided Design

CAGR – Compound Annual Growth Rate

CAN – Controller Area Network (bus)

CAN FD – Controller Area Network Flexible Data-rate

CAS – Chemical Abstracts Service (number)

CAVs – Connected and Autonomous Vehicles

CB – Certification Body

CBC – Cycle By Cycle (protection)

CC – Constant Current

CCM – Continuous Conduction Mode

CDMA – Code Division Multiple Access

CDU – Coolant Distribution Unit

CE – Conformité Européenne (European Conformity) or Customer Edge

CEN – Comité Européen de Normalisation (European Committee for Standardization)

CENELEC – Comité Européen de Normalisation Électrotechnique (European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization)

CEM – Contract Electronics Manufacturer

CFD – Computational Fluid Dynamics

CFM – Cubic Feet per Minute (airflow)

CFP – Common FootPrint

CM – Common Mode (noise/choke)

CMOS – Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor

CMRR – Common Mode Rejection Ratio

CMRT – Conflict Minerals Reporting Template

CMTI – Common Mode Transient Immunity

CNN – Convolutional Neural Network

CoC – Certificate of Conformance

CoO – Country of Origin

COS – Continuity of Supply

COT – Constant On Time

COTS – Commercial Off The Shelf

CPA – Centralized Power Architecture

CPE – Customer Premises Equipment

CPO – Co-Packaged Optics

CPU – Central Processing Unit

CQC – China Quality Certification

CRAC – Computer Room Air Conditioner

CRAH – Computer Room Air Handler

C-RAN – Centralized Radio Access Network or Cloud Radio Access Network

CSA – Canadian Standards Association

CSP – Communication Service Provider

CSV – Comma Separated Values

CTBP – Control, Transport, Baseband & Power

CTI – Comparative Tracking Index

CTW – Cooling Tower Water

CU – Centralized Unit

CV – Constant Voltage

CWDM – Coarse Wavelength Division Multiplexing

CXL – Compute eXpress Link


D2C – Direct to Chip (liquid cooling)

D-AMPS – Digital Advanced Mobile Phone System

D/A – Digital to Analog

DAC – Digital to Analog Converter

DAP – Delivered At Place

DAS – Distributed Antenna System

DBF – Digital Beam Forming

DBV – Dynamic Bus Voltage

DC – Direct Current

DC/AC – Direct Current to Alternating Current (inverter)

DC/DC – Direct Current to Direct Current (converter)

DCIM – Data Center Infrastructure Management

DCL – Decision Logic or Data Control Language

DCM – Discontinuous Conduction Mode

DCR – Direct Current Resistance (measurement)

DCS – Distributed Control System

DDP – Delivered Duty Paid

DDR – Double Data Rate (memory)

DFC – Direct Frequency Control

DFE – Design For the Environment

DFM – Design For Manufacturability

DFR – Design For Reliability

DFT – Design for Testability

DiCon – Direct Conversion

DIL – Dual InLine (package)

DIMM – Dual Inline Memory Module

DIN – Deutsches Institut für Normung (German Institute for Standardisation)

DIP – Dual Inline Package

DL – Deep Learning

DLC – Dynamic Load Compensation or Direct Liquid Cooling

DLS – Droop Load Sharing

DMUX – Demultiplexer

DOSA – Distributed-power Open Standards Alliance

DOW – Date Of Withdrawal

DPA – Distributed Power Architecture

DPC – DIMMs Per Channel

DPD – Digital Pre-Distortion

DPM – Digital Power Management or Dynamic Power Management

DPoL – Digital Point of Load (converter)

DPWM – Digital Pulse Width Modulation or Discontinuous Pulse Width Modulation

DPU – Data Processing Unit

DRAM – Dynamic Random Access Memory

DrMOS – Driver & MOSFET module

DSL – Digital Subscriber Line

DSLAM – Digital Subscriber Line Access Multiplexer

DSP – Digital Signal Processor

DTC – Direct to Chip (liquid cooling)

DTI – Distance Through Insulation

DTC – Direct Torque Control

DU – Distributed Unit

DUT – Device Under Test

DVFS – Dynamic Voltage & Frequency Scaling

DVS – Dynamic Voltage Scaling

DVT – Design Validation/Verification Testing

DWDM – Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing


E-mMIMO – Extreme-massive MIMO

E2E – End to End

EAR – Export Administration Regulations

EB – Eighth Brick

EBITDA – Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation and Amortization

EC – Engineering Change or Edge Computing

ECA – Electronic Components Association

ECHA – European CHemicals Agency

ECIA – Electronic Components Inustry Association

ECN – Export Control Notice

ECCN – Export Control Classification Number

ECS – Environmental Control System

EDA – Electronic Design Automation

EDGE – Enhanced Data for Global Evolution

EDI – Electronic Data Interchange

EDP – Electrical Design Power or Excursion Design Power or Electronic Data Processing

EDR – Event Data Recorder ("black box")

EER – Envelope Elimination and Restoration

EFT – Electrical Fast Transient

EIA – Electronic Industries Association

ELFR – Early Life Failure Rate

ELV – Extra Low Voltage

EMAC – Ethernet Media Access Control (address)

eMBB – Enhanced Mobile BroadBand

EMC – Electromagnetic Compatibility

EMF – Electromotive Force or Field

EMI – Electromagnetic Interference

EMR – Electromagnetic Radiation

EMRT – Extended Minerals Reporting Template

EMS – Electronic Manufacturing Services

EN – Norme Européen (European Standard) or Engineering Note

eNB – Evolved NodeB

ENIG – Electroless Nickel Immersion Gold

EOL – End Of Life

EPC – Evolved Packet Core

EPG – Evolved Packet Gateway

EPON – Ethernet Passive Optical Network

EPROM – Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory

EPU – Energy Processing Unit

ERF – Energy Reuse Factor

ERI – Early Return Index

ERP – Enterprise Resource Planning

ERTMS – European Rail Traffic Management System

ESD – Electrostatic Discharge

ESL – Equivalent Series Inductance

ESR – Equivalent Series Resistance

ESS – Environmental Stress Screening

ET – Envelope Tracking

ETA – Estimated Time of Arrival

ETCS – European Train Control System

ETD – Estimated Time of Departure

EUT – Equipment Under Test

EV – Electric Vehicle

EVDO – Evolution Data Optimized

EVT – Engineering Validation/Verification Testing

EXW – Ex Works


FAE – Field Application Engineer

FAI – First Article Inspection

FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions

FAR – Failure Analysis Report

FCA – Free Carrier

FCC – Federal Communications Commission

FDD – Frequency Division Duplex

FDMA – Frequency Division Multiple Access

FEA – Finite Element Analysis

FEM – Finite Element Method

FET – Field Effect Transistor

FFT – Fast Fourier Transform

FHA – Fundamental Harmonic Analysis

FIT – Failures In Time

FMD – Full Material Declaration

FMPS – Fault Managed Power System

FOB – Free On Board

FOD – Foreign Object Debris/Damage

FPD – Flex Power Designer

FPGA – Field Programmable Gate Array

FPM – Flex Power Modules

FRA – Fixed Radio Access

FRMCS – Future Railway Mobile Communication Systems

FRU – Field Replaceable Unit

FSC – Fan Speed Control

FTTx – Fiber To The "x" (Premise/Home/Building/Cabinet/Node etc.)

FWA – Fixed Wireless Access

FWS – Facility Water System


GaAs – Gallium Arsenide

GAM – Global Account Manager

GaN – Gallium Nitride

GCB – Group Communication Bus

GCM – Global Commodity Management

GCP – Google Cloud Platform

GDT – Gas Discharge Tube

GigE – Gigabit Ethernet

GMSL – Gigabit Multimedia Serial Link

gNB – Next Generation NodeB

GND – Ground

GNN – Graph Neural Network

GP-GPU – General Purpose Graphic Processing Unit

GPIB – General Purpose Interface Bus

GPIO – General Purpose Input/Output

GPON – Gigabit Passive Optical Network

GPP – General Purpose Processor

GPRS – General Packet Radio Service

GPS – Global Positioning System

GPT – Generative Pretrained Transformer model

GPU – Graphic Processing Unit

GSA – Global mobile Suppliers Association

GSM – Global System for Mobile Communications

GSM-R – Global System for Mobile Communications – Railway

GSMA – GSM Association

GUI – Graphical User Interface

GWP – Global Warming Potential


HALT – Highly Accelerated Life Testing

HASL – Hot Air Solder Level

HASS – Highly Accelerated Stress Screening

HAST – Highly Accelerated Stress Testing

HB – Half Brick

HBM – High Bandwidth Memory

HDR – High Data Rate

HEMT – High Electron Mobility Transistors

HEV – Hybrid Electric Vehicle

HMI – Human Machine Interface

HPC – High Performance Computing

HPDC – High Performance Data Center

HRR – Hybrid Regulated Ratio

HS – Harmonized System

HSC – Hybrid Switched Capacitor (topology)

HSDPA – High Speed Downlink Packet Access

HSPA – High-Speed Packet Access

HTOL – High Temperature Operating Life

HTS – Harmonized Tariff Schedule

HTSL – High Temperature Storage Life

HTTP – Hypertext Transfer Protocol

HV – High Voltage

HVAC – Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning

HVDC – High Voltage Direct Current (converter)

HW – Hardware


I/O – Input/Output

I2C – Inter-Integrated circuit Communication (bus)

I3C – Improved Inter-Integrated circuit Communication (bus)

IA – Intelligent Automation

IBA – Intermediate Bus Architecture

iBBU – Intelligent Baseband Unit

IBC – Intermediate Bus Converter

IBV – Intermediate Bus Voltage

IC – Integrated Circuit

ICT – Information and Communications Technology

IDC – Internet Data Center

IDM – Integrated Device Manufacturer

IEC – International Electrotechnical Commission

IEE – Institution of Electrical Engineers

IEEE – Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers

ICS – Industrial Control Systems

ICT – Information and Communication Technology

IDU – Indoor Unit

IGBT – Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor

IHV – Independent Hardware Vendor

IoE – Internet of Everything

IoT – Internet of Things

IIoT – Industrial Internet of Things (Industry 4.0)

IMDS – International Material Data System

IMS – Insulated Metal Substrate or IP Multimedia Subsystem

IOR – Input-Output Ratio

IP – Internet Protocol or Intellectual Property or International Protection

IPMI – Intelligent Platform Management Interface

IPS – Integrated Power Stage or Systems

IPU – Image or Intelligence or Infrastructure Processing Unit

IR – Infrared (Reflow)

IRR – Initial Return Rate

ISO – International Organization for Standardization

ISP – Infrastructure Service Provider

ISV – Independent Software Vendor

ITAR – International Trade in Arms Regulations

ITU – International Telecommunication Network

IUCLID – International Uniform ChemicaL Information Database


JEDEC – Joint Electronic Device Engineering Council

JFET – Junction Field Effect Transistor

JIT – Just In Time

JTAG – Joint Test Action Group


KAM – Key Account Manager


L4S – Low Latency, Low Loss, Scalable Throughput

LAN – Local Area Network

LCC – Inductor-Capacitor-Capacitor (resonant converter)

LDMOS – Laterally Diffused Metal Oxide Semiconductor

LDO – Low Dropout (voltage regulator)

LFM – Linear Feet per Minute (airflow)

LGA – Land Grid Array

LGV – Laser Guided Vehicle

LLC – Inductor-Inductor-Capacitor (resonant converter)

LLM – Large Language Model

LNA – Low Noise Amplifier

LPF – Low Pass Filter

LPWA – Low Power Wide Area

LSB – Least Significant Bit

LTB – Last Time Buy

LTE – Long Term Evolution

LTE-A – LTE Advanced

LTE-M – LTE Machine (type communication)

LTRR – Long Term Return Rate

LTS – Last Time Ship

LVD – Low Voltage Directive


M2M – Machine to Machine

MAC – Media Access Control (address)

MBA – Multi Beam Antenna

MBB – Mobile Broadband

MBPA – Multi Beam Phased Array

MCM – Multi-Chip Module

MCU – Microcontroller Unit

MEC – Mobile Edge Computing

MEMS – Micro Electro-Mechanical Systems

MIMO – Multiple Input Multiple Output

ML – Machine Learning

MLB – Multi Layer Board

MLCC – Multi Layer Ceramic Capacitor

mMIMO – Massive Multiple Input Multiple Output

mMTC – Massive Machine Type Communication

mmW – Millimeter Wave

MNO – Mobile Network Operator

MOCN – Multi Operator Core Network

MOOP – Means Of Operator Protection

MOP – Means of Protection

MOPP – Means of Patient Protection

MOQ – Minimum Order Quantity

MOSFET – Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor

MORAN – Multi Operator Radio Access Network

MOV – Metal Oxide Varistor

MP – Mass Production

MPC – Maximum Power Consumption

MPN – Manufacturing Part Number

MPQ – Minimum Package Quantity

MPU – Micro Processor Unit

MR – Mixed Reality

MRP – Materials Requirement Planning

MRT – Multi Resonant Topology

MSB – Most Significant Bit

MSC – Mobile Switching Center

MSDS – Material Safety Data Sheet

MSL – Moisture Sensitivity Level

MTA – Multi Tapped Autotransformer

MTBF – Mean Time Between Failures

MTTF – Mean Time To Failure

MTTR – Mean Time To Repair

MU-MIMO – Multi User MIMO

MUX – Multiplexer

MVNO – Mobile Virtual Network Operator


NACK – Negative Acknowledgement

NAFTA – North American Free Trade Agreement

NAT – Network Address Translation

NB-IoT – Narrow Band Internet of Things

NCNR – Non-Cancellable Non-Returnable

NDA – Non-Disclosure Agreement

NEBS – Network Equipment Building System

NEDA – National Electronic Distributors Association

NEMA – National Electronic Manufacturers Association

NFF – No Fault Found

NFV – Network Function Virtualization

NGMN – Next Generation Mobile Networks (alliance)

NIC – Network Interface Card

NLP – Natural Language Processing

NLR – Non-Linear Response

NLU – Natural Language Understanding

NPI – New Product Introduction

NPR – New Product Requirement

NPU – Neural Processing Unit or Network Processing Unit

NR – New Radio (5G) or Notch Resonance

NRE – Non-Recurring Engineering (charge)

NTC – Negative Temperature Coefficient

NVM – Non-Volatile Memory

NRND – Not Recommended for New Designs

NSA 5G – Non Stand Alone 5G


OADM – Optical Add/Drop Multiplexer

OAI – Open Accelerator Infrastructure

OAM – OCP Accelerator Module

OBC – On Board Charger

OCP – Over Current Protection or Open Compute Project

OCV – Open Circuit Voltage

ODM – Original Design Manufacturer

ODSC – Outdoor Small Cell

ODU – Outdoor Unit or Open Distributed Unit

OEM – Original Equipment Manufacturer

OES – Open Enterprise Server

OFDM – Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing

OLT – Optical Line Termination

ONT – Optical Network Terminal

ORT – Ongoing Reliability Testing

ORU – Open Radio Unit

O-RAN – Open Radio Access Network (Alliance)

OT – Operational Technology

OTFS – Orthogonal Time Frequency & Space

OTP – Over Temperature Protection or One Time Programming

OVP – Over Voltage Protection

OXC – Optical cross-connect


PA – Power Amplifier

PAA – Phased Array Antenna

PAE – Power Added Efficiency

PAM – Power Amplifier Module

PAPR – Peak to Average Power Ratio

PBT – Persistent, Bioaccumulative, and Toxic (chemicals)

PBX – Private Branch Exchange

PCB – Printed Circuit Board

PCBA – Printed Circuit Board Assembly

PCI – Peripheral Component Interface

PCIe – Peripheral Component Interface Express

PCN – Product Change Notification

PD – Powered Device

PDCP – Packet Data Convergence Protocol

PDE – Partial Differential Equation

PDM – Pulse-Density Modulation

PDN – Product Discontinuation Notice or Power Distribution Network or Power Delivery Network or Packet Data Network

PDU – Power Distribution Unit

PE – Polyethylene

PEC – Packet Error Checking

PER – Packet Error Rate

PF – Power Factor

PFC – Power Factor Correction

PG – Power Good

PHY – Physical Layer

PID – Proportional Integral Derivative or Packet Identifier

PIM – Power Interface Module or Passive InterModulation

PIP – Pin-In-Paste (for reflow soldering through hole parts)

PLC – Programmable Logic Controller or Product Life Cycle or Power Line Communications

PLCM – Product Life Cycle Management

PLL – Phase Locked Loop

PMBus™ – Power Management Bus

PMIC – Power Management Integrated Circuit

PMU – Power Management Unit

PN – Product Notification

PO – Purchase Order

PoE – Power Over Ethernet

POEP – Power Over Ethernet Plus (PoE+)

POFV – Plated Over Filled Via

PoL – Point of Load (converter)

POLA – Point Of Load Alliance

PON – Passive Optical Network

PoP – Point of Presence

POTS – Plain Old Telephone Service

PPAP – Production Part Approval Process

PPE – Polyphenylene Ether

PPPoE – Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet

PR – Parallel Resonance

PRC – Parallel Resonant Converter

PRD – Product Requirement Document

PROM – Programmable Read Only Memory

PSA – Power Stamp Alliance

PSE – Power Sourcing Equipment

PSFB – Phase-Shifted Full-Bridge

PSL – Preferred Suppliers List

PSMP – Power Surface Multiplier Package

PSRR – Power Supply Rejection Ratio

PSU – Power Supply Unit

PTC – Positive Temperature Coefficient or Power Temperature Cycling

PTH – Plated Through Hole

PTP – Point To Point or Power, Thermal & Performance (sensors)

PTMP – Point To Multi Point

PUE – Power Usage Effectiveness

PV – Photovoltaic (inverter)

PVT – Production Validation/Verification Testing

PWB – Printed Wiring Board

PWBA – Printed Wiring Board Assembly

PWM – Pulse Width Modulation


QAM – Quadrature Amplitude Modulation

QB – Quarter Brick

QDR – Quad Data Rate

QFN – Quad Flat No-lead

QML – Qualified Manufacturers List

QMS – Quality Management System

QoS – Quality of Service


RAM – Random Access Memory

RAN – Radio Access Network

RBS – Radio Base Station

RC – Remote Control (on/off)

RCI – Rack Cooling Index

REACH – Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and restriction of CHemicals

REF – Renewable Energy Factor

RET – Remote Electronic Tilt

RF – Radio Frequency

RFI – Radio Frequency Interference or Request For Information

RFP – Request For Proposal

RFPA – Radio Frequency Power Amplifier

RFQ – Request For Quotation

RGW – Radio Gateway

RH – Relative Humidity

RIC – RAN Intelligent Controller

RLC – Radio Link Control

RMA – Returned Material Authorization

RMS – Root Mean Square

RNC – Radio Network Controller

ROADM – Reconfigurable Optical Add/Drop Multiplexer

RoHS – Restriction of Hazardous Substances

ROM – Read Only Memory or Rough Order of Magnitude

RPA – Robotic Process Automation

RRC – Radio Resource Control

RRH – Remote Radio Head

RRU – Remote Radio Unit

RS – Recommended Standard (e.g. RS232, RS485 etc.)

RSM – Regional Sales Manager

RTU – Remote Terminal Unit

RU – Radio Unit or Rack Unit

RX – Receive


S2S – Service to Service

SA – Serial Address or Standalone

SALERT – SMBus Alert

SAN – Storage Area Network

SB – Sixteenth Brick

SCADA – Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition

SCAR – Supplier Corrective Action Request

SCC – Switched Capacitance Converter or Short Circuit Current

SCIP – Substances of Concern In articles as such or in complex objects (Products)

SCL – Serial Clock Line

SCP – Short Circuit Protection

SCR – Silicon Controlled Rectifier

SCSI – Small Computer System Interface

SDA – Serial Data line

SDDC – Software Defined Data Center

SDH – Synchronous Digital Hierarchy

SDN – Software Defined Networking

SDR – Single Data Rate

SELV – Safety Extra Low Voltage

SFOC – Sensorless Field Oriented Control

SI – Système International

SiC – Silicon Carbide

SIM – Subscriber Identity Module

SIP – Single Inline Package or System In Package or Session Initiation Protocol

SKU – Stock Keeping Unit

SMA – Surface Mount Assembly

SMBus – System Management Bus

SMD – Surface Mount Device

SME – Small and Medium Enterprise

SMP – Surface Mount Package

SMPS – Switched Mode Power Supply

SMT – Surface Mount Technology

SNR – Signal-to-Noise Ratio

SOA – Safe Operating Area

SoC – System on Chip or Statement of Compliance

SOIC – Small Outline Integrated Circuit

SON – Self Organizing Network

SONET – Synchronous Optical Networking

SPI – Serial Peripheral Interface

SPQ – Standard Package Quantity

SPS – Standby Power Supply

SQL – Structured Query Language

SR – Series Resonance

SRAM – Static Random Access Memory

SRC – Series Resonant Converter

SRF – Series Resonant Frequency

SSD – Solid State Drive

STC – Switched Tank Capacitor

STEP – Standard for the Exchange of Product model data

SVHC – Substances of Very High Concern

SVID – Serial Voltage Identifier

SW – Software

SWaP-C – Size, Weight, Power and Cost

SWG – Standard Wire Gauge


T&R – Tape and Reel

TC – Temperature Cycling

TCE – Thermal Coefficient of Expansion

TCO – Total Cost of Ownership

TCP – Transport Control Protocol

TCS – Technology Cooling System

TD-SCDMA – Time Division-Synchronous Code Division Multiple Access

TDD – Time Division Duplex

TDM – Time Division Multiplex

TDMA – Time Division Multiple Access

TDP – Thermal Design Power

TFR – Test For Reliability

TH – Through Hole

THB – Temperature Humidity Bias

THD – Total Harmonic Distortion

THT – Through Hole Technology

TIA – Telecommunications Industries Association

TIM – Thermal Interface Material

TIP – Telecom Infra Project

TLVR – Trans-Inductor Voltage Regulator

TMA – Tower Mounted Amplifier

TOBA – Telecom On-Board Architecture

TOR – Top Of Rack

TPP – Total Processor Performance

TPU – Tensor Processing Unit

TSCA – Toxic Substances Control Act

TSN – Time Sensitive Networking

TTL – Transistor Transistor Logic

TUV – Technischer Uberwachungs Verein

TVS – Transient Voltage Suppressor

TX – Transmit


UART – Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter

UBB – Universal BaseBoard

UI – User Interface

UL – Underwriters Laboratories

UMTS – Universal Mobile Telecommunications System

UPOE – Universal Power Over Ethernet (PoE++)

UPS – Uninterruptable Power Supply

uRLLC – Ultra Reliable Low Latency Communication

USB – Universal Serial Bus

UUT – Unit Under Test

UVLO – Under Voltage Lock Out

UVP – Under Voltage Protection

UX – User eXperience


VA – Virtual Assistant

vBBU – Virtual Baseband Unit

VCO – Voltage Controlled Oscillator

VCU – Video Coding Unit

VDC – Virtual Data Center or Volt Direct Current

VDE – Verband Deutscher Elektrotechniker

VID – Voltage Identifier

VIPPO – Via in Pad Plated Over

VFD – Variable Frequency Drive

VGA – Variable Gain Amplifier

VLAN – Virtual Local Area Network

VoC – Verification of Conformity

VoIP – Voice over IP (Internet Protocol)

VoLTE – Voice over LTE

VoNR – Voice over New Radio

VPD – Vertical Power Delivery

VPN – Virtual Private Network

VPU – Vision Processing Unit

VPWR – Vertical Power

VQFN – Very thin Quad Flat No-lead

VR – Virtual Reality

V-RAN – Virtualized Radio Access Network

VRM – Voltage Regulator Module

VSD – Variable Speed Drive


WAN – Wide Area Network

WAP – Wireless Access Protocol

WBG – Wide Band Gap (semiconductor)

WCDMA – Wideband Code Division Multiple Access

WFD – Waste Framework Directive

WFE – Wafer Fabrication Equipment

WEEE – Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (directive)

WiMAX – Worldwide interoperability for Microwave Access

WIP – Work In Progress

WISP – Wireless Internet Service Provider

WLAN – Wireless Local Area Network

WUE – Water Usage Effectiveness


xDSL – arbitrary Digital Subscriber Line (e.g. ADSL)

XML – EXtensible Markup Language

XPE – AMD-Xilinx Power Estimator

xPU – An all encompassing term for a portfolio of Processing Units (including CPU, GPU, IPU, TPU, VPU, FPGA and other accelerators)

XR – Extended Reality


YRR – One Year Return Rate


ZCS – Zero Current Switching

ZEV – Zero Emission Vehicle

ZIF – Zero Insertion Force

ZVS – Zero Voltage Switching


1PIC – Single Phase Immersion Cooling

2G – Second Generation (GSM/D-AMPS/GPRS/EDGE)

2PIC – Two Phase Immersion Cooling

3D – 3 Dimensional

3E – Enhanced performance, Energy management, End-user value

3G – Third Generation (UMTS/CDMA2000/HSPA/HSPA+/EVDO)

3GPP – Third Generation Partnership Project

4G – Fourth Generation (LTE/LTE-A/LTE-Pro)

4PPOE – 4-Pair Power Over Ethernet

5G – Fifth Generation (NR)

8D – 8 Discipline (report)

µC – Microcontroller

µTCA - Micro Telecommunications Computing Architecture


800 Electrical & Electronic Abbreviations with Full Forms. A-Z


Electronics & Electrical Abbreviations (Full)


Chúc các bạn thành công!

Trong quá trình học tập sửa chữa mạch điện tử chắc hẳn đã có lần bạn thắc mắc về những ký hiệu điện tử mang ý nghĩa gì đúng không. Thậm chí với nhiều người sau nhiều năm dù đã quen mặt với ký hiệu nhưng không biết ký hiệu ấy thể hiện cho điều gì, xuất phát từ từ tiếng anh gì. Trong bài viết này, Ebookbkmt sẽ giúp các bạn tổng hợp lại những từ viết tắt trong sơ đồ mạch điện và ký hiệu trong ngành điện tử mà bạn nên biết (Các bạn sử dụng tổ hợp phí Ctrl + F để dễ dàng tìm kiếm)

Các từ ngữ viết tắt thường gặp trong sơ đồ mạch điện

FM _ Frequency Modulation : Điều chế tần số.

AC _ Alterating Current : Dòng điện xoay chiều.

DC _ Direct Current : Dòng điện một chiều.

FCO _ Fuse Cut Out : Cầu chì tự rơi

LBFOC _ Load Breaker Fuse Cut Out : Cầu chì tự rơi có cắt tải

CB _ Circuit Breaker : Máy cắt.

ACB _ Air Circuit Breaker : Máy cắt không khí

MCCB _ Moduled Case Circuit Breaker : Aptomat kiểu khối có dòng cắt > 100A

MCB _ Miniature Circuit Breaker : Bộ ngắt mạch thu nhỏ

VCB _ Vacuum Circuit Breaker : Máy cắt chân không.

RCD _ Residual Current Device : Thiết bị chống rò rỉ điện

DF : Distortion Factor : hệ số méo dạng

THD : Total Harmonic Distortion : Độ méo dạng tổng do sóng hài

Ngoài ra còn 1 số ký hiệu là viết tắt bởi các từ tiếng anh, nếu bạn gặp phải thì có thể sử dụng google dịch để tra nghĩa cụ thể hơn:

Ký hiệu điện tử viết tắt bằng tiếng anh

VBAT. - Volt Battery

VCHG. - Volt Charging

VPH-PWR. - Volt Phone Power

UIM. - Sim

HSED. - Head Phone Switch

MIC. - Microphone

HPH L/R. -  Head Phone Speaker Left/Right

BT. - Bluetooth

VIB. - Vibrator

GPIO. - Gereral Purpose Input Output

MIPI. - Mobile Industory Processor Interface

DSI. - Display Serial Interface

CSI. - Camera Serial Interface

EARP/EARN. - Earpiece

CAM/VCM. - Camera / Video Camera

MCAM. - Main Camera

SCAM. - Slave Camera

TP. - Touch/Test Point

TF. - Sd card

VPROC. - Processor Voltage

VCORE. -Chip Digiral Core Voltage

ROM. - Read Only Memory

RAM. - Random Only Memory

SRAM. - Static Random Access Memory

SDRAM. - Synchronus Dynamic Random Access Memory

VREG. - Regularor Voltage

VREGS. - Switching Regulator Voltage

VREGL. - Linear Regulater Voltage

LDO. - Low Dropout

DAC. - Digital To Analog Converter

ADC. - Analog To Digital Converter

SMSP. - Switch Mode Power Supply

HS. - Ear Speaker

USB. - Universal Service Bus

DP. - Data Plus (+)

DM. - Data Minus (-)

SIM. - Subscriber Identy Module

NFC. - Near Field Communication

RTC. - Real Time Clock

COMP. - Complement

CTRL. - Control

EN. - Enable

PWM. - Pulse Width Modulation

CABC. - Content Adaptive Backlight Control

CSI. - Camera Serial Interface

DSI. - Display Serial Interface

MIPI. - Mobile Industry Processor Interface

CMOS. - Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor

BSI. - Battery Status Indicator

PCB. - Printed Circuit Board

ESD. - Electrostatic Discharge

EMI. - Electromagnetic Demodulation

SAW. - Surface Acoustic Wave

BB. - Baseband

ANT. - Antenna

RX. - Receive

AC. - Alternative Current

DC. - Direct Current

C. - Capacitor

R. - Resistor

D. - Diode

ZD. - Zener Diode

LDR. - Light Dependent Resistor

LED. - Light Emitting Diode

OLED. - Organic Light Emitting Diode

AMOLED. - Active Matrix Organic Light Emitting Diode

L. - Coil

LB. - Ferrite Bead Coil

Q. - Transistor

SOT. - Small Outline Transistor

FET. - Field Effect Transistor

MOSFET. - Metal Oxite Semiconductor field Effect Transistor

BJT. - Bipolar Junction Transistor

UJT. - Unipolar Junction Transistor

VCDT. - Volt Charging Detect

CHRLDO. - Charging Linear Power Supply

ISENSE. - Charging Current Detection Input

INT. - Interrupt

GND. - Ground

NC. - Not Connect

TCXO. - Temperature Compensated Osillator

SDA. - Serial Data

SCL. - Serial Clock

RST. - Reset

SDIO. - Serial Data Input / Output

WIFI. - Wireless Fidelity

WLAN. - Wireless Local Area Network

DDR. - Double Data Rate

LPDDR. - Low Power Double Rate

IC. - Integrated Cicuit

EMMC. - Embedded Multimeda Card

PMU. - Power Management Unit

NTC. - negative temperature coefficient

Bảng ký hiệu theo thứ tự ABC...


A/D – Analog to Digital

AALC – Air Assisted Liquid Cooling

AAS – Advanced or Active Antenna System

AC – Alternating Current

AC/DC – Alternating Current to Direct Current (converter / power supply)

ACK – Acknowledgement

ACP – Average CPU Power

ACS – Active Current Sharing or American Chemical Society

ADC – Analog to Digital Converter

ADM – Add/Drop Multiplexer

ADSL – Asymmetrical Digital Subscriber Line

AFU – Antenna Filter Unit

AGC – Automatic Gain Control

AGI – Artificial General Intelligence

AGV – Automated Guided Vehicle

AI – Artificial Intelligence

AISG – Antenna Interface Standards Group

AMC – Advanced Mezzanine Card

AMH – Automated Material Handling

AMP – Architects of Modern Power or Amplifier

AMR – Autonomous Mobile Robot

ANSI – American National Standards Institute

AOI – Automated Optical Inspection

AON – Active Optical Network

AP – Access Point

API – Application Programming Interface

APM – Advanced Power Management

APQT – Advanced Product Quality Planning

APT – Average Power Tracking

APU – Accelerated Processing Unit

AR – Augmented Reality

AS – Access Server

ART – Adaptive Ramp Time

ASCR – A Single Cycle Response (digital compensator)

ASIC – Application Specific Integrated Circuit

ASIL – Automotive Safety Integrity Level

ASM – Advanced Sleep Mode

ASRS – Automated Storage and Retrieval Systems

ASSP – Application Specific Standard Product

ATCA – Advanced Telecommunications Computing Architecture

ATE – Automated Test Equipment

ATM – Asynchronous Transfer Mode

AVA – Analog Voltage Adjust

AVL – Approved Vendor List

AVS – Adaptive Voltage Scaling

AVSBus – Adaptive Voltage Scaling Bus

AWG – American Wire Gauge

AWS – Amazon Web Services


BBU – Baseband Unit or Battery Backup Unit

BEM – Boundary Element Method

BER – Bit Error Rate

BFN – Beam Forming Network

BGA – Ball Grid Array / solder Bump Grid Array

BJT – Bipolar Junction Transistor

BMC – Baseboard Management Controller

BMP – Board Mounted Power

BMPS – Board Mounted Power Supply

BMR – Board Mounted Regulator

BMS – Battery Management System

BoM – Bill of Materials

BSC – Base Station Controller

BSI – British Standards Institute

BSS – Base Station System

BTS – Base Transceiver Station

BW – Bandwidth


CA – Controller Assembly

CAD – Computer Aided Design

CAGR – Compound Annual Growth Rate

CAN – Controller Area Network (bus)

CAN FD – Controller Area Network Flexible Data-rate

CAS – Chemical Abstracts Service (number)

CAVs – Connected and Autonomous Vehicles

CB – Certification Body

CBC – Cycle By Cycle (protection)

CC – Constant Current

CCM – Continuous Conduction Mode

CDMA – Code Division Multiple Access

CDU – Coolant Distribution Unit

CE – Conformité Européenne (European Conformity) or Customer Edge

CEN – Comité Européen de Normalisation (European Committee for Standardization)

CENELEC – Comité Européen de Normalisation Électrotechnique (European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization)

CEM – Contract Electronics Manufacturer

CFD – Computational Fluid Dynamics

CFM – Cubic Feet per Minute (airflow)

CFP – Common FootPrint

CM – Common Mode (noise/choke)

CMOS – Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor

CMRR – Common Mode Rejection Ratio

CMRT – Conflict Minerals Reporting Template

CMTI – Common Mode Transient Immunity

CNN – Convolutional Neural Network

CoC – Certificate of Conformance

CoO – Country of Origin

COS – Continuity of Supply

COT – Constant On Time

COTS – Commercial Off The Shelf

CPA – Centralized Power Architecture

CPE – Customer Premises Equipment

CPO – Co-Packaged Optics

CPU – Central Processing Unit

CQC – China Quality Certification

CRAC – Computer Room Air Conditioner

CRAH – Computer Room Air Handler

C-RAN – Centralized Radio Access Network or Cloud Radio Access Network

CSA – Canadian Standards Association

CSP – Communication Service Provider

CSV – Comma Separated Values

CTBP – Control, Transport, Baseband & Power

CTI – Comparative Tracking Index

CTW – Cooling Tower Water

CU – Centralized Unit

CV – Constant Voltage

CWDM – Coarse Wavelength Division Multiplexing

CXL – Compute eXpress Link


D2C – Direct to Chip (liquid cooling)

D-AMPS – Digital Advanced Mobile Phone System

D/A – Digital to Analog

DAC – Digital to Analog Converter

DAP – Delivered At Place

DAS – Distributed Antenna System

DBF – Digital Beam Forming

DBV – Dynamic Bus Voltage

DC – Direct Current

DC/AC – Direct Current to Alternating Current (inverter)

DC/DC – Direct Current to Direct Current (converter)

DCIM – Data Center Infrastructure Management

DCL – Decision Logic or Data Control Language

DCM – Discontinuous Conduction Mode

DCR – Direct Current Resistance (measurement)

DCS – Distributed Control System

DDP – Delivered Duty Paid

DDR – Double Data Rate (memory)

DFC – Direct Frequency Control

DFE – Design For the Environment

DFM – Design For Manufacturability

DFR – Design For Reliability

DFT – Design for Testability

DiCon – Direct Conversion

DIL – Dual InLine (package)

DIMM – Dual Inline Memory Module

DIN – Deutsches Institut für Normung (German Institute for Standardisation)

DIP – Dual Inline Package

DL – Deep Learning

DLC – Dynamic Load Compensation or Direct Liquid Cooling

DLS – Droop Load Sharing

DMUX – Demultiplexer

DOSA – Distributed-power Open Standards Alliance

DOW – Date Of Withdrawal

DPA – Distributed Power Architecture

DPC – DIMMs Per Channel

DPD – Digital Pre-Distortion

DPM – Digital Power Management or Dynamic Power Management

DPoL – Digital Point of Load (converter)

DPWM – Digital Pulse Width Modulation or Discontinuous Pulse Width Modulation

DPU – Data Processing Unit

DRAM – Dynamic Random Access Memory

DrMOS – Driver & MOSFET module

DSL – Digital Subscriber Line

DSLAM – Digital Subscriber Line Access Multiplexer

DSP – Digital Signal Processor

DTC – Direct to Chip (liquid cooling)

DTI – Distance Through Insulation

DTC – Direct Torque Control

DU – Distributed Unit

DUT – Device Under Test

DVFS – Dynamic Voltage & Frequency Scaling

DVS – Dynamic Voltage Scaling

DVT – Design Validation/Verification Testing

DWDM – Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing


E-mMIMO – Extreme-massive MIMO

E2E – End to End

EAR – Export Administration Regulations

EB – Eighth Brick

EBITDA – Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation and Amortization

EC – Engineering Change or Edge Computing

ECA – Electronic Components Association

ECHA – European CHemicals Agency

ECIA – Electronic Components Inustry Association

ECN – Export Control Notice

ECCN – Export Control Classification Number

ECS – Environmental Control System

EDA – Electronic Design Automation

EDGE – Enhanced Data for Global Evolution

EDI – Electronic Data Interchange

EDP – Electrical Design Power or Excursion Design Power or Electronic Data Processing

EDR – Event Data Recorder ("black box")

EER – Envelope Elimination and Restoration

EFT – Electrical Fast Transient

EIA – Electronic Industries Association

ELFR – Early Life Failure Rate

ELV – Extra Low Voltage

EMAC – Ethernet Media Access Control (address)

eMBB – Enhanced Mobile BroadBand

EMC – Electromagnetic Compatibility

EMF – Electromotive Force or Field

EMI – Electromagnetic Interference

EMR – Electromagnetic Radiation

EMRT – Extended Minerals Reporting Template

EMS – Electronic Manufacturing Services

EN – Norme Européen (European Standard) or Engineering Note

eNB – Evolved NodeB

ENIG – Electroless Nickel Immersion Gold

EOL – End Of Life

EPC – Evolved Packet Core

EPG – Evolved Packet Gateway

EPON – Ethernet Passive Optical Network

EPROM – Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory

EPU – Energy Processing Unit

ERF – Energy Reuse Factor

ERI – Early Return Index

ERP – Enterprise Resource Planning

ERTMS – European Rail Traffic Management System

ESD – Electrostatic Discharge

ESL – Equivalent Series Inductance

ESR – Equivalent Series Resistance

ESS – Environmental Stress Screening

ET – Envelope Tracking

ETA – Estimated Time of Arrival

ETCS – European Train Control System

ETD – Estimated Time of Departure

EUT – Equipment Under Test

EV – Electric Vehicle

EVDO – Evolution Data Optimized

EVT – Engineering Validation/Verification Testing

EXW – Ex Works


FAE – Field Application Engineer

FAI – First Article Inspection

FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions

FAR – Failure Analysis Report

FCA – Free Carrier

FCC – Federal Communications Commission

FDD – Frequency Division Duplex

FDMA – Frequency Division Multiple Access

FEA – Finite Element Analysis

FEM – Finite Element Method

FET – Field Effect Transistor

FFT – Fast Fourier Transform

FHA – Fundamental Harmonic Analysis

FIT – Failures In Time

FMD – Full Material Declaration

FMPS – Fault Managed Power System

FOB – Free On Board

FOD – Foreign Object Debris/Damage

FPD – Flex Power Designer

FPGA – Field Programmable Gate Array

FPM – Flex Power Modules

FRA – Fixed Radio Access

FRMCS – Future Railway Mobile Communication Systems

FRU – Field Replaceable Unit

FSC – Fan Speed Control

FTTx – Fiber To The "x" (Premise/Home/Building/Cabinet/Node etc.)

FWA – Fixed Wireless Access

FWS – Facility Water System


GaAs – Gallium Arsenide

GAM – Global Account Manager

GaN – Gallium Nitride

GCB – Group Communication Bus

GCM – Global Commodity Management

GCP – Google Cloud Platform

GDT – Gas Discharge Tube

GigE – Gigabit Ethernet

GMSL – Gigabit Multimedia Serial Link

gNB – Next Generation NodeB

GND – Ground

GNN – Graph Neural Network

GP-GPU – General Purpose Graphic Processing Unit

GPIB – General Purpose Interface Bus

GPIO – General Purpose Input/Output

GPON – Gigabit Passive Optical Network

GPP – General Purpose Processor

GPRS – General Packet Radio Service

GPS – Global Positioning System

GPT – Generative Pretrained Transformer model

GPU – Graphic Processing Unit

GSA – Global mobile Suppliers Association

GSM – Global System for Mobile Communications

GSM-R – Global System for Mobile Communications – Railway

GSMA – GSM Association

GUI – Graphical User Interface

GWP – Global Warming Potential


HALT – Highly Accelerated Life Testing

HASL – Hot Air Solder Level

HASS – Highly Accelerated Stress Screening

HAST – Highly Accelerated Stress Testing

HB – Half Brick

HBM – High Bandwidth Memory

HDR – High Data Rate

HEMT – High Electron Mobility Transistors

HEV – Hybrid Electric Vehicle

HMI – Human Machine Interface

HPC – High Performance Computing

HPDC – High Performance Data Center

HRR – Hybrid Regulated Ratio

HS – Harmonized System

HSC – Hybrid Switched Capacitor (topology)

HSDPA – High Speed Downlink Packet Access

HSPA – High-Speed Packet Access

HTOL – High Temperature Operating Life

HTS – Harmonized Tariff Schedule

HTSL – High Temperature Storage Life

HTTP – Hypertext Transfer Protocol

HV – High Voltage

HVAC – Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning

HVDC – High Voltage Direct Current (converter)

HW – Hardware


I/O – Input/Output

I2C – Inter-Integrated circuit Communication (bus)

I3C – Improved Inter-Integrated circuit Communication (bus)

IA – Intelligent Automation

IBA – Intermediate Bus Architecture

iBBU – Intelligent Baseband Unit

IBC – Intermediate Bus Converter

IBV – Intermediate Bus Voltage

IC – Integrated Circuit

ICT – Information and Communications Technology

IDC – Internet Data Center

IDM – Integrated Device Manufacturer

IEC – International Electrotechnical Commission

IEE – Institution of Electrical Engineers

IEEE – Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers

ICS – Industrial Control Systems

ICT – Information and Communication Technology

IDU – Indoor Unit

IGBT – Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor

IHV – Independent Hardware Vendor

IoE – Internet of Everything

IoT – Internet of Things

IIoT – Industrial Internet of Things (Industry 4.0)

IMDS – International Material Data System

IMS – Insulated Metal Substrate or IP Multimedia Subsystem

IOR – Input-Output Ratio

IP – Internet Protocol or Intellectual Property or International Protection

IPMI – Intelligent Platform Management Interface

IPS – Integrated Power Stage or Systems

IPU – Image or Intelligence or Infrastructure Processing Unit

IR – Infrared (Reflow)

IRR – Initial Return Rate

ISO – International Organization for Standardization

ISP – Infrastructure Service Provider

ISV – Independent Software Vendor

ITAR – International Trade in Arms Regulations

ITU – International Telecommunication Network

IUCLID – International Uniform ChemicaL Information Database


JEDEC – Joint Electronic Device Engineering Council

JFET – Junction Field Effect Transistor

JIT – Just In Time

JTAG – Joint Test Action Group


KAM – Key Account Manager


L4S – Low Latency, Low Loss, Scalable Throughput

LAN – Local Area Network

LCC – Inductor-Capacitor-Capacitor (resonant converter)

LDMOS – Laterally Diffused Metal Oxide Semiconductor

LDO – Low Dropout (voltage regulator)

LFM – Linear Feet per Minute (airflow)

LGA – Land Grid Array

LGV – Laser Guided Vehicle

LLC – Inductor-Inductor-Capacitor (resonant converter)

LLM – Large Language Model

LNA – Low Noise Amplifier

LPF – Low Pass Filter

LPWA – Low Power Wide Area

LSB – Least Significant Bit

LTB – Last Time Buy

LTE – Long Term Evolution

LTE-A – LTE Advanced

LTE-M – LTE Machine (type communication)

LTRR – Long Term Return Rate

LTS – Last Time Ship

LVD – Low Voltage Directive


M2M – Machine to Machine

MAC – Media Access Control (address)

MBA – Multi Beam Antenna

MBB – Mobile Broadband

MBPA – Multi Beam Phased Array

MCM – Multi-Chip Module

MCU – Microcontroller Unit

MEC – Mobile Edge Computing

MEMS – Micro Electro-Mechanical Systems

MIMO – Multiple Input Multiple Output

ML – Machine Learning

MLB – Multi Layer Board

MLCC – Multi Layer Ceramic Capacitor

mMIMO – Massive Multiple Input Multiple Output

mMTC – Massive Machine Type Communication

mmW – Millimeter Wave

MNO – Mobile Network Operator

MOCN – Multi Operator Core Network

MOOP – Means Of Operator Protection

MOP – Means of Protection

MOPP – Means of Patient Protection

MOQ – Minimum Order Quantity

MOSFET – Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor

MORAN – Multi Operator Radio Access Network

MOV – Metal Oxide Varistor

MP – Mass Production

MPC – Maximum Power Consumption

MPN – Manufacturing Part Number

MPQ – Minimum Package Quantity

MPU – Micro Processor Unit

MR – Mixed Reality

MRP – Materials Requirement Planning

MRT – Multi Resonant Topology

MSB – Most Significant Bit

MSC – Mobile Switching Center

MSDS – Material Safety Data Sheet

MSL – Moisture Sensitivity Level

MTA – Multi Tapped Autotransformer

MTBF – Mean Time Between Failures

MTTF – Mean Time To Failure

MTTR – Mean Time To Repair

MU-MIMO – Multi User MIMO

MUX – Multiplexer

MVNO – Mobile Virtual Network Operator


NACK – Negative Acknowledgement

NAFTA – North American Free Trade Agreement

NAT – Network Address Translation

NB-IoT – Narrow Band Internet of Things

NCNR – Non-Cancellable Non-Returnable

NDA – Non-Disclosure Agreement

NEBS – Network Equipment Building System

NEDA – National Electronic Distributors Association

NEMA – National Electronic Manufacturers Association

NFF – No Fault Found

NFV – Network Function Virtualization

NGMN – Next Generation Mobile Networks (alliance)

NIC – Network Interface Card

NLP – Natural Language Processing

NLR – Non-Linear Response

NLU – Natural Language Understanding

NPI – New Product Introduction

NPR – New Product Requirement

NPU – Neural Processing Unit or Network Processing Unit

NR – New Radio (5G) or Notch Resonance

NRE – Non-Recurring Engineering (charge)

NTC – Negative Temperature Coefficient

NVM – Non-Volatile Memory

NRND – Not Recommended for New Designs

NSA 5G – Non Stand Alone 5G


OADM – Optical Add/Drop Multiplexer

OAI – Open Accelerator Infrastructure

OAM – OCP Accelerator Module

OBC – On Board Charger

OCP – Over Current Protection or Open Compute Project

OCV – Open Circuit Voltage

ODM – Original Design Manufacturer

ODSC – Outdoor Small Cell

ODU – Outdoor Unit or Open Distributed Unit

OEM – Original Equipment Manufacturer

OES – Open Enterprise Server

OFDM – Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing

OLT – Optical Line Termination

ONT – Optical Network Terminal

ORT – Ongoing Reliability Testing

ORU – Open Radio Unit

O-RAN – Open Radio Access Network (Alliance)

OT – Operational Technology

OTFS – Orthogonal Time Frequency & Space

OTP – Over Temperature Protection or One Time Programming

OVP – Over Voltage Protection

OXC – Optical cross-connect


PA – Power Amplifier

PAA – Phased Array Antenna

PAE – Power Added Efficiency

PAM – Power Amplifier Module

PAPR – Peak to Average Power Ratio

PBT – Persistent, Bioaccumulative, and Toxic (chemicals)

PBX – Private Branch Exchange

PCB – Printed Circuit Board

PCBA – Printed Circuit Board Assembly

PCI – Peripheral Component Interface

PCIe – Peripheral Component Interface Express

PCN – Product Change Notification

PD – Powered Device

PDCP – Packet Data Convergence Protocol

PDE – Partial Differential Equation

PDM – Pulse-Density Modulation

PDN – Product Discontinuation Notice or Power Distribution Network or Power Delivery Network or Packet Data Network

PDU – Power Distribution Unit

PE – Polyethylene

PEC – Packet Error Checking

PER – Packet Error Rate

PF – Power Factor

PFC – Power Factor Correction

PG – Power Good

PHY – Physical Layer

PID – Proportional Integral Derivative or Packet Identifier

PIM – Power Interface Module or Passive InterModulation

PIP – Pin-In-Paste (for reflow soldering through hole parts)

PLC – Programmable Logic Controller or Product Life Cycle or Power Line Communications

PLCM – Product Life Cycle Management

PLL – Phase Locked Loop

PMBus™ – Power Management Bus

PMIC – Power Management Integrated Circuit

PMU – Power Management Unit

PN – Product Notification

PO – Purchase Order

PoE – Power Over Ethernet

POEP – Power Over Ethernet Plus (PoE+)

POFV – Plated Over Filled Via

PoL – Point of Load (converter)

POLA – Point Of Load Alliance

PON – Passive Optical Network

PoP – Point of Presence

POTS – Plain Old Telephone Service

PPAP – Production Part Approval Process

PPE – Polyphenylene Ether

PPPoE – Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet

PR – Parallel Resonance

PRC – Parallel Resonant Converter

PRD – Product Requirement Document

PROM – Programmable Read Only Memory

PSA – Power Stamp Alliance

PSE – Power Sourcing Equipment

PSFB – Phase-Shifted Full-Bridge

PSL – Preferred Suppliers List

PSMP – Power Surface Multiplier Package

PSRR – Power Supply Rejection Ratio

PSU – Power Supply Unit

PTC – Positive Temperature Coefficient or Power Temperature Cycling

PTH – Plated Through Hole

PTP – Point To Point or Power, Thermal & Performance (sensors)

PTMP – Point To Multi Point

PUE – Power Usage Effectiveness

PV – Photovoltaic (inverter)

PVT – Production Validation/Verification Testing

PWB – Printed Wiring Board

PWBA – Printed Wiring Board Assembly

PWM – Pulse Width Modulation


QAM – Quadrature Amplitude Modulation

QB – Quarter Brick

QDR – Quad Data Rate

QFN – Quad Flat No-lead

QML – Qualified Manufacturers List

QMS – Quality Management System

QoS – Quality of Service


RAM – Random Access Memory

RAN – Radio Access Network

RBS – Radio Base Station

RC – Remote Control (on/off)

RCI – Rack Cooling Index

REACH – Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and restriction of CHemicals

REF – Renewable Energy Factor

RET – Remote Electronic Tilt

RF – Radio Frequency

RFI – Radio Frequency Interference or Request For Information

RFP – Request For Proposal

RFPA – Radio Frequency Power Amplifier

RFQ – Request For Quotation

RGW – Radio Gateway

RH – Relative Humidity

RIC – RAN Intelligent Controller

RLC – Radio Link Control

RMA – Returned Material Authorization

RMS – Root Mean Square

RNC – Radio Network Controller

ROADM – Reconfigurable Optical Add/Drop Multiplexer

RoHS – Restriction of Hazardous Substances

ROM – Read Only Memory or Rough Order of Magnitude

RPA – Robotic Process Automation

RRC – Radio Resource Control

RRH – Remote Radio Head

RRU – Remote Radio Unit

RS – Recommended Standard (e.g. RS232, RS485 etc.)

RSM – Regional Sales Manager

RTU – Remote Terminal Unit

RU – Radio Unit or Rack Unit

RX – Receive


S2S – Service to Service

SA – Serial Address or Standalone

SALERT – SMBus Alert

SAN – Storage Area Network

SB – Sixteenth Brick

SCADA – Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition

SCAR – Supplier Corrective Action Request

SCC – Switched Capacitance Converter or Short Circuit Current

SCIP – Substances of Concern In articles as such or in complex objects (Products)

SCL – Serial Clock Line

SCP – Short Circuit Protection

SCR – Silicon Controlled Rectifier

SCSI – Small Computer System Interface

SDA – Serial Data line

SDDC – Software Defined Data Center

SDH – Synchronous Digital Hierarchy

SDN – Software Defined Networking

SDR – Single Data Rate

SELV – Safety Extra Low Voltage

SFOC – Sensorless Field Oriented Control

SI – Système International

SiC – Silicon Carbide

SIM – Subscriber Identity Module

SIP – Single Inline Package or System In Package or Session Initiation Protocol

SKU – Stock Keeping Unit

SMA – Surface Mount Assembly

SMBus – System Management Bus

SMD – Surface Mount Device

SME – Small and Medium Enterprise

SMP – Surface Mount Package

SMPS – Switched Mode Power Supply

SMT – Surface Mount Technology

SNR – Signal-to-Noise Ratio

SOA – Safe Operating Area

SoC – System on Chip or Statement of Compliance

SOIC – Small Outline Integrated Circuit

SON – Self Organizing Network

SONET – Synchronous Optical Networking

SPI – Serial Peripheral Interface

SPQ – Standard Package Quantity

SPS – Standby Power Supply

SQL – Structured Query Language

SR – Series Resonance

SRAM – Static Random Access Memory

SRC – Series Resonant Converter

SRF – Series Resonant Frequency

SSD – Solid State Drive

STC – Switched Tank Capacitor

STEP – Standard for the Exchange of Product model data

SVHC – Substances of Very High Concern

SVID – Serial Voltage Identifier

SW – Software

SWaP-C – Size, Weight, Power and Cost

SWG – Standard Wire Gauge


T&R – Tape and Reel

TC – Temperature Cycling

TCE – Thermal Coefficient of Expansion

TCO – Total Cost of Ownership

TCP – Transport Control Protocol

TCS – Technology Cooling System

TD-SCDMA – Time Division-Synchronous Code Division Multiple Access

TDD – Time Division Duplex

TDM – Time Division Multiplex

TDMA – Time Division Multiple Access

TDP – Thermal Design Power

TFR – Test For Reliability

TH – Through Hole

THB – Temperature Humidity Bias

THD – Total Harmonic Distortion

THT – Through Hole Technology

TIA – Telecommunications Industries Association

TIM – Thermal Interface Material

TIP – Telecom Infra Project

TLVR – Trans-Inductor Voltage Regulator

TMA – Tower Mounted Amplifier

TOBA – Telecom On-Board Architecture

TOR – Top Of Rack

TPP – Total Processor Performance

TPU – Tensor Processing Unit

TSCA – Toxic Substances Control Act

TSN – Time Sensitive Networking

TTL – Transistor Transistor Logic

TUV – Technischer Uberwachungs Verein

TVS – Transient Voltage Suppressor

TX – Transmit


UART – Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter

UBB – Universal BaseBoard

UI – User Interface

UL – Underwriters Laboratories

UMTS – Universal Mobile Telecommunications System

UPOE – Universal Power Over Ethernet (PoE++)

UPS – Uninterruptable Power Supply

uRLLC – Ultra Reliable Low Latency Communication

USB – Universal Serial Bus

UUT – Unit Under Test

UVLO – Under Voltage Lock Out

UVP – Under Voltage Protection

UX – User eXperience


VA – Virtual Assistant

vBBU – Virtual Baseband Unit

VCO – Voltage Controlled Oscillator

VCU – Video Coding Unit

VDC – Virtual Data Center or Volt Direct Current

VDE – Verband Deutscher Elektrotechniker

VID – Voltage Identifier

VIPPO – Via in Pad Plated Over

VFD – Variable Frequency Drive

VGA – Variable Gain Amplifier

VLAN – Virtual Local Area Network

VoC – Verification of Conformity

VoIP – Voice over IP (Internet Protocol)

VoLTE – Voice over LTE

VoNR – Voice over New Radio

VPD – Vertical Power Delivery

VPN – Virtual Private Network

VPU – Vision Processing Unit

VPWR – Vertical Power

VQFN – Very thin Quad Flat No-lead

VR – Virtual Reality

V-RAN – Virtualized Radio Access Network

VRM – Voltage Regulator Module

VSD – Variable Speed Drive


WAN – Wide Area Network

WAP – Wireless Access Protocol

WBG – Wide Band Gap (semiconductor)

WCDMA – Wideband Code Division Multiple Access

WFD – Waste Framework Directive

WFE – Wafer Fabrication Equipment

WEEE – Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (directive)

WiMAX – Worldwide interoperability for Microwave Access

WIP – Work In Progress

WISP – Wireless Internet Service Provider

WLAN – Wireless Local Area Network

WUE – Water Usage Effectiveness


xDSL – arbitrary Digital Subscriber Line (e.g. ADSL)

XML – EXtensible Markup Language

XPE – AMD-Xilinx Power Estimator

xPU – An all encompassing term for a portfolio of Processing Units (including CPU, GPU, IPU, TPU, VPU, FPGA and other accelerators)

XR – Extended Reality


YRR – One Year Return Rate


ZCS – Zero Current Switching

ZEV – Zero Emission Vehicle

ZIF – Zero Insertion Force

ZVS – Zero Voltage Switching


1PIC – Single Phase Immersion Cooling

2G – Second Generation (GSM/D-AMPS/GPRS/EDGE)

2PIC – Two Phase Immersion Cooling

3D – 3 Dimensional

3E – Enhanced performance, Energy management, End-user value

3G – Third Generation (UMTS/CDMA2000/HSPA/HSPA+/EVDO)

3GPP – Third Generation Partnership Project

4G – Fourth Generation (LTE/LTE-A/LTE-Pro)

4PPOE – 4-Pair Power Over Ethernet

5G – Fifth Generation (NR)

8D – 8 Discipline (report)

µC – Microcontroller

µTCA - Micro Telecommunications Computing Architecture


800 Electrical & Electronic Abbreviations with Full Forms. A-Z


Electronics & Electrical Abbreviations (Full)


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