Instructor’s Manual to accompany Public Finance, Eighth Edition (Harvey S. Rosen & Ted Gayer)

Suggested Answers to End-of-Chapter Discussion Questions.

Some of the questions have no single “correct” answer – reasonable people can go off in different directions.  In such cases, the answers provided here sketch only a few possibilities.

Chapter 1 - Introduction

1. a. Putin’s statement is consistent with an organic conception of government.  Individuals and their goals are less important than the state.

b. Locke makes a clear statement of the mechanistic view of the state in which individual liberty is of paramount importance.

2. Libertarians believe in a very limited government and are skeptical about the ability of government to improve social welfare.  Social democrats believe that substantial government intervention is required for the good of individuals.  Someone with an organic conception of the state believes that the goals of society are set by the state and individuals are valued only by their contribution to the realization of social goals.


Suggested Answers to End-of-Chapter Discussion Questions.

Some of the questions have no single “correct” answer – reasonable people can go off in different directions.  In such cases, the answers provided here sketch only a few possibilities.

Chapter 1 - Introduction

1. a. Putin’s statement is consistent with an organic conception of government.  Individuals and their goals are less important than the state.

b. Locke makes a clear statement of the mechanistic view of the state in which individual liberty is of paramount importance.

2. Libertarians believe in a very limited government and are skeptical about the ability of government to improve social welfare.  Social democrats believe that substantial government intervention is required for the good of individuals.  Someone with an organic conception of the state believes that the goals of society are set by the state and individuals are valued only by their contribution to the realization of social goals.



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