Freightliner Cascadia Workshop Manual (Models CA125DC & CA125SLP)
Workshop/service manuals contain service and repair information for all vehicle systems and components, except for major components such as engines, transmissions, and rear axles. Each workshop/service manual section is divided into subjects that can include general information, principles of operation, removal, disassembly, assembly, installation, and specifications.
Maintenance Manual Maintenance manuals contain routine maintenance procedures and intervals for vehicle components and systems. They have information such as lubrication procedures and tables, fluid replacement procedures, fluid capacities, specifications, and procedures for adjustments and for checking the tightness of fasteners. Maintenance manuals do not contain detailed repair or service information.
Troubleshooting Manual Troubleshooting manuals contain diagnostic procedures for determining causes of problems in vehicle components and systems. Information on multiplexing diagnosis is included. These manuals are organized by functional systems, such as cab, chassis, and powertrain. Troubleshooting manuals do not contain repair or service information.
Driver’s/Operator’s Manual
Driver’s/operator’s manuals contain information needed to enhance the driver’s understanding of how to operate and care for the vehicle and its components.
Each manual contains a chapter that covers pre-trip and post-trip inspections, and daily, weekly, and monthly maintenance of vehicle components. Driver’s/ operator’s manuals do not contain detailed repair or service information.
Service Bulletins Service bulletins provide the latest service tips, field repairs, product improvements, and related information. Some service bulletins are updates to information in the workshop/service manual. These bulletins take precedence over workshop/service manual information, until the latter is updated; at that time, the bulletin is usually canceled. The service bulletins manual is available only to dealers. When doing service work on a vehicle system or part, check for a valid service bulletin for the latest information on the subject.
IMPORTANT: Before using a particular service bulletin, check the current service bulletin validity list to be sure the bulletin is valid.
Parts Technical Bulletins Parts technical bulletins provide information on parts. These bulletins contain lists of parts and BOMs needed to do replacement and upgrade procedures.
00...................... General Information
01................................ Engine
09.............................. AirIntake
13 ......................... AirCompressor
15..................... Alternator and Starter
20................... Engine Cooling/Radiator
25................................ Clutch
26........................... Transmission
30 ......................... Throttle Control
31 ............. Frame and Frame Components
32............................ Suspension
33 ............................. Front Axle
35 ............................. Rear Axle
41 .............................. Driveline
42................................ Brakes
46............................... Steering
47 ................................. Fuel
49............................... Exhaust
54.......... Electrical, Instruments, and Controls
60.................................. Cab
72 ................................ Doors
82 ............. Windshield Wipers and Washer
88.............. Hood, Grille, and Cab Fenders
91............... Seats and Restraint Systems
98................................. Paint
Workshop/service manuals contain service and repair information for all vehicle systems and components, except for major components such as engines, transmissions, and rear axles. Each workshop/service manual section is divided into subjects that can include general information, principles of operation, removal, disassembly, assembly, installation, and specifications.
Maintenance Manual Maintenance manuals contain routine maintenance procedures and intervals for vehicle components and systems. They have information such as lubrication procedures and tables, fluid replacement procedures, fluid capacities, specifications, and procedures for adjustments and for checking the tightness of fasteners. Maintenance manuals do not contain detailed repair or service information.
Troubleshooting Manual Troubleshooting manuals contain diagnostic procedures for determining causes of problems in vehicle components and systems. Information on multiplexing diagnosis is included. These manuals are organized by functional systems, such as cab, chassis, and powertrain. Troubleshooting manuals do not contain repair or service information.
Driver’s/Operator’s Manual
Driver’s/operator’s manuals contain information needed to enhance the driver’s understanding of how to operate and care for the vehicle and its components.
Each manual contains a chapter that covers pre-trip and post-trip inspections, and daily, weekly, and monthly maintenance of vehicle components. Driver’s/ operator’s manuals do not contain detailed repair or service information.
Service Bulletins Service bulletins provide the latest service tips, field repairs, product improvements, and related information. Some service bulletins are updates to information in the workshop/service manual. These bulletins take precedence over workshop/service manual information, until the latter is updated; at that time, the bulletin is usually canceled. The service bulletins manual is available only to dealers. When doing service work on a vehicle system or part, check for a valid service bulletin for the latest information on the subject.
IMPORTANT: Before using a particular service bulletin, check the current service bulletin validity list to be sure the bulletin is valid.
Parts Technical Bulletins Parts technical bulletins provide information on parts. These bulletins contain lists of parts and BOMs needed to do replacement and upgrade procedures.
00...................... General Information
01................................ Engine
09.............................. AirIntake
13 ......................... AirCompressor
15..................... Alternator and Starter
20................... Engine Cooling/Radiator
25................................ Clutch
26........................... Transmission
30 ......................... Throttle Control
31 ............. Frame and Frame Components
32............................ Suspension
33 ............................. Front Axle
35 ............................. Rear Axle
41 .............................. Driveline
42................................ Brakes
46............................... Steering
47 ................................. Fuel
49............................... Exhaust
54.......... Electrical, Instruments, and Controls
60.................................. Cab
72 ................................ Doors
82 ............. Windshield Wipers and Washer
88.............. Hood, Grille, and Cab Fenders
91............... Seats and Restraint Systems
98................................. Paint


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