EBOOK - Carbon Nanotubes - Theoretical Concepts and Research Strategies for Engineers (A. K. Haghi)

EBOOK - Các ống nano cacbon - Các khái niệm lý thuyết và hướng nghiên cứu cho các kỹ sư (A. K. Haghi).

Carbon nanotubes, with their extraordinary mechanical and unique elec-tronic properties, have garnered much attention in the recent years. With a broad range of potential applications including nanoelectronics, composites, chemical sensors, biosensors, microscopy, nanoelectro mechanical systems, and many more, the scientific community is more motivated than ever to move beyond basic properties and explore the real issues associated with carbon nanotubes-based applications.
Carbon nanotubes are exceptionally interesting from a fundamental research point of view. They open up new perspectives for various applications, such as nano-transistors in circuits, field-emission displays, artificial muscles, or added reinforcements in alloys. This text is an introduction to the physical concepts needed for investigating carbon nanotubes and other  one-dimensional solid-state  systems. Written for a wide scientific readership, each chapter consists of an instructive approach to the topic and sustainable ideas for solutions.

List of Abbreviations ..................................................................................ix
List of Symbols .........................................................................................xiii
Preface .....................................................................................................xix
1.  Basic Concepts
2.  Mathematical Modeling .
3.  Simulation
4.  Molecular Modeling and Simulation ...
5.  Mechanic Quantum and Thermodynamic in Nanoelements .
6.  Computational Methods and Evaluation ..
References .
Appendix .


EBOOK - Các ống nano cacbon - Các khái niệm lý thuyết và hướng nghiên cứu cho các kỹ sư (A. K. Haghi).

Carbon nanotubes, with their extraordinary mechanical and unique elec-tronic properties, have garnered much attention in the recent years. With a broad range of potential applications including nanoelectronics, composites, chemical sensors, biosensors, microscopy, nanoelectro mechanical systems, and many more, the scientific community is more motivated than ever to move beyond basic properties and explore the real issues associated with carbon nanotubes-based applications.
Carbon nanotubes are exceptionally interesting from a fundamental research point of view. They open up new perspectives for various applications, such as nano-transistors in circuits, field-emission displays, artificial muscles, or added reinforcements in alloys. This text is an introduction to the physical concepts needed for investigating carbon nanotubes and other  one-dimensional solid-state  systems. Written for a wide scientific readership, each chapter consists of an instructive approach to the topic and sustainable ideas for solutions.

List of Abbreviations ..................................................................................ix
List of Symbols .........................................................................................xiii
Preface .....................................................................................................xix
1.  Basic Concepts
2.  Mathematical Modeling .
3.  Simulation
4.  Molecular Modeling and Simulation ...
5.  Mechanic Quantum and Thermodynamic in Nanoelements .
6.  Computational Methods and Evaluation ..
References .
Appendix .



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